Saturday, November 08, 2008

I've Been Tagged

So my wife tagged me, it's taken a bit to post this because it's about six quirks. Well, I consider myself pretty quirky, but for some reason, I'm having trouble figuring out which six things are quirks, instead of which things just make me weird :)
  1. I always lock the doors to my car. You might say that's not so weird. Well, it is when it's summer and all your windows are down, but you lock the doors, and ask others to do so as well. It's a habit I'm glad I'm in, though, even if it comes across as odd.
  2. I'm a Mac user. In most things in my life, I'm all about low cost mainstream. But for some reason, the feel of a single button on my mouse (yes, I'm an old school Mac user), Quartz on my screen, and BSD under the hood make it worth the "price" of admission. I'm a Windows user too, but only because most of corporate America is blind and seems to think less money up front is better than less money over time. I'm still computing on my 9-year-old G4 AGP ("Sawtooth") tower at home (though I did just upgrade the hard drive and RAM a month ago), and my PowerBook is now four-and-a-half years old.
  3. I like nearly all my food au naturel. I don't do salad dressing, butter hardly anything, like my veggies steamed or raw, etc. It's a healthier lifestyle, though my caloric intake negates most, if not all that. Still working on controlling the intake.
  4. I'm extremely particular when it comes to color schemes, specifically with websites. I'll see two completely unrelated things together, and think how I like those colors together and want to find a use for that color scheme on a website. It could be a magazine page laying on some packaging on my desk, or a box next to a shirt. Sometimes it just starts with one really cool color, and I have to find the "match" for it. Somehow this obsession doesn't translate to my fashion sense, however.
  5. Odd numbers. No evens for me. If I have a choice between two numbers and one's odd, one's even, the odd will win. This one is interesting to me, because it's changed over the course of my life. I used to be nothing but evens, now I'm all about the odds.
  6. My music collection. Okay, I have a very large music collection (CDs particularly) and I'm very specific when it comes to my collection. Everything is alphabetized by artist, in the case of artist names, it's last name then first. Within the artist, albums are organized by release date, not title. As a result, my iTunes library is also extremely organized, and EVERYTHING has the proper tags. It drives me crazy to see some people's collection of MP3s where the only way to tell what the song is is by looking at the name of the file. I'm also quite opinionated when it comes to music, as any of my family and friends (or at least they used to be until I hounded them about some musical topic incessantly) will tell you. The positive aspect of that, though, is that I'm quite well-rounded in my musical taste, and know a fair amount of history about many of the artists I follow.
So I started writing this post a long time ago, not sure why I never bothered to finish it, except because I had a hard time coming up with six quirks. I asked people around me and one told me that being a Mac user isn't quirky. However, since it's taken me so long to write this post and I had a tough enough time coming up with these six things, I'm going to leave it alone, and move on with my bloggable life.


scrapsidaisy said...

You forgot about the hangers! The hangers, the hangers! You are quite the snob when it comes to hangers. Ha! love you

macmec said...

As my wife has lovingly pointed out, I forgot about the hangers. I guess that's what I get for taking too long to write a post. So, hangers. I think it's pretty normal, but my better half thinks it odd that I'm so fussy about not getting the hangers with the cutout in the top for tank tops, and the like. When she comes home with new hangers and they aren't straight along the top, I will definitely say something. But recently she redeemed herself by buying a whole bunch (30, I believe) of the "normal" hangers just for me. That's what makes her so nice :)

That One Guy said...

Heh, I organize my CD collection the same as you...

Great minds...? Or are we both freaks.

I'll go with the freaks.

Nothin' but love my friend...